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Jonathan Ash
2347  Profile Views

About Me

38 years in the industry

my expertise in the industry

38 years

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Jonathan Ash

From: Jonathan Ash 21 July 2023 15:54 PM

Jonathan Ash

From: Jonathan Ash 08 June 2020 22:32 PM

Jonathan Ash

From: Jonathan Ash 09 July 2019 13:26 PM

Jonathan Ash
I have over 100 units myself and manage over a 1,000 and if any landlord out there thinks that an agent who actually knows their job (which are few and far between) can do this for peanuts then they are wrong. Not only this a am 100% sure 99% of so called full time landlords have the knowledge to do the job within the letter of the law. Most are clueless as to the legislation and I proved this on the chats a couple of weeks ago with basic what is a N5 or N5B. I went to court for a client who used another agent on a possession and the agent didn’t even know to submit a witness statement never mind how to word it. I use all the major portals and pay over &40k per annum just for that & £200 to do say 10 viewings is ludicrous. I suspect like many a poor product and and as many landlords think tenants are happy with such should let straight away! Well wake up... have a go at Tesco they buy at one price and sell at another but that’s ok as they have overheads and staff... or banks that charge a reservation fee of a grand plus is ok so you can borrow money at a higher rate they get it for! You are not in the real world if you suggest LA can’t do a decent job or make a living if they do it correctly. Come with me for a day but make sure you have some experience in self defence also as in my area you are threatened with guns, knives, machetes and violence. Then tell the tenants they owe and pay up. Then do all the Court papers and argue with Shelter and their barrister and see how you go...

From: Jonathan Ash 29 June 2019 20:23 PM

Jonathan Ash

From: Jonathan Ash 29 April 2019 15:55 PM

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