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A Bhalla
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A Bhalla
Air BnB is spot on! I support Air BnB, and similar models helping local communities👍. Air BnB are supporting communities, helping homeowners live independently (especially disabled ones), as well as letting the visitors/tourists/project workers/temporary start etc enjoy safe homes during their short term visits at low costs therefore generating local employment, local shops sales, which will directly benefit the Council, abd govt. Devon and Cornwall by default are tourist areas as well, hence logically it makes sense to have multiple Air BnB/host homes. Clearly Liberals, Labour, Communism and anti British leaders & anti Britain, lazy, unscrupulous tenants don’t want the U.K. communities and home owners to thrive hence they keep starting these idiotic petitions with generation Rent to make even more unfair laws favouring the tenants. This in turn will result in hardworking landlords, accidental owners selling up, or keeping the properties empty with high costs of local hotels, resulting in people deciding not to visit the area due to high costs of hotels, home let’s. Devon and Cornwall, as well as other councils and govt leaders need to decide whether to continue encouraging lazy unscrupulous tenants by attacking PRS LL’s or help PRS LL’s by making bad tenants eviction easier within a week, and give tax breaks to encourage prosperity in local areas, helping homeowners especially disabled ones leas an independent lifestyle by using their homes for a small income, in return helping the Treasury by paying taxes. The fact is that Housing shortage is due to lack of social housing by the Council & home building by both Labour & Conservative govts. Short lets hosts are being used as scapegoats by the usual Labour & Liberal supported dishonest, unscrupulous tenants, people. #airbnbisgreat #supportairbnbforlocalprosperity

From: A Bhalla 09 August 2021 09:56 AM

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