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Daniel Roder
Daniel Roder
Engineer/Part-time landlord
8104  Profile Views

About Me

Haven't been a landlord for long (two and a half years to be precise) - and still need all the help I can get! We're not all money-grabbing wrong'uns. Honest.

my expertise in the industry

I once had a date with an estate agent around 1994. Does that count? Other than that, only what I have picked up along the way as a landlord and what I read about in the news. A lot of stuff goes over my head - it's a complex world, this property lark - but you pick stuff up as you go.

Currently own 2 properties. Quite happy with that for now, but always open to the prospect of extending my portfolio.

Daniel's Recent Activity

Daniel Roder

From: Daniel Roder 28 May 2015 09:54 AM

MovePal MovePal MovePal