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Graham Awards


Build To Rent provider hits 1,000-home milestone

Build To Rent provider Sigma Capital and house builder Kellen Homes have hit the 1,000 home milestone in Greater Manchester in 20 months of working together.

The BTR units span five former brownfield sites across the city region; Albion Place (Salford), The Gateway (Ardwick), Mill Vale (Middleton), Irwell View (Bury) and Mellands Park (Gorton). 

Four of the five sites have already broken ground, with the fifth due to start next month. The homes will be marketed under Sigma Capital’s Simple Life portfolio. 


Graham Barnet, chief executive of Sigma Capital, says: “In the Build To Rent industry we know that working in partnership with trusted delivery partners such as Kellen Homes yields results, and these incredible numbers are testament to that belief. 

“We’re looking forward to ramping up our presence in the Manchester City Region and addressing a clear shortfall in the market, raising the standard for high-quality rental housing.” 


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