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Energy group slams “irresponsible” criticism of EPCs and assessors

The Property Energy Professionals Association - a trade group representing accreditation schemes for energy assessors - is complaining that it’s not been consulted about a recent report slamming Energy performance Certificates.

Consumer champions Which? this week hit out at EPCs and the assessors who write them, saying EPCs are riddled with inaccuracies and gave numerous examples of tests it gave specific certificates, inspe3ctions and assessors to prove the point. 

However, the Property Energy Professionals Association has hit out at Which? For not consulting it ahead of publishing its report.


PEPA members are responsible for lodging all EPCs on the government register (of which there are over 21m to date) and for exercising governance over the quality of EPCs and auditing the work of assessors. 

Mike Ockenden, head of secretariat for PEPA, says: “It appears yet again, Which? has issued a press release about EPCs and at no stage engaged with us for input. We do not know the selection process for how they commissioned the 12s EPC, but to use the findings to impugn the quality of over 20m EPCs is frankly irresponsible. 

“The irony is that PEPA actually agrees with the call for EPC reform and could have provided input to Which? on the extensive reform programme that is already underway, both by way of the EPC Action Plan and an upcoming consultation on EPC Reform itself.”

Which? uncovered numerous issues with the accuracy of the results and the recommendations that homeowners received.

One homeowner had their EPC survey done, but never received their certificate. The survey fee was refunded, but the homeowner was left in the dark about their home's energy efficiency. Of the remaining 11 participants, just one was ‘very satisfied’ with their EPC and only three said they were likely to recommend getting an EPC, based on this experience.

Most participants (eight out of 11) told Which? their EPC did not appear to be accurate - they said the descriptions of key aspects of their home like the windows, roofs and heating systems were incorrect. 

Several participants also felt that the recommendations suggested were unaffordable. One said that they felt draught proofing was overlooked in their EPC report despite their home having an open chimney and front door with single glazing.

Which? is calling for the next government to reform EPCs to make them a more reliable and useful tool for householders. In addition to addressing concerns about the accuracy and reliability of EPCs, Which? believes the design and content of EPCs should be reformed to ensure it provides consumers with the information and advice they need. This should include information to help consumers prepare for the transition to low-carbon heating. 

It says EPCs should also be made more interactive, so that consumers can input information so that the advice is more relevant to their circumstances. EPCs should also include up-to-date costings relevant to the type of property and provide links to any financial support and a database of installers belonging to government-certified schemes.

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    I'm a chartered surveyor and both a commercial and domestic landlord. Every single one of the EPCs that I've commissioned over the last 15 years (and it's been a lot) has been accurate and well produced. EPCs are the UK's national measurement system and that together with David Cameron's sensible MEES standards, are working brilliantly at steadily improving the quality of rental buildings across our county. Folk continually moan that Britain has the worst buildings in Europe - well EPCs and MEES are solving that problem, in a robust and systematic fashion.
    A sample of 12 people by Which?- gosh that's got statistical accuracy written all over it! The homeowner found some of the suggestions 'unaffordable'. Cricky, let's blame EPCs for the cost of external wall insulation and solar panels. A new TV or sofa could also be 'unaffordable'. How ridiculous.
    It doesn't take much to put 2 x layers of new Rockwool in a home's loft (one at right angles to the other), get a local plasterer to fit a sheet of 5cm thick Celotex on the inside of external facing walls and cash-in the generous £7,500 Government grant (yes FREE MONEY) to install an efficient high-temperature electric heat pump from Octopus Energy.
    Oh and if you want to put a stop to running condensation on windows, damp and mould, get a handyman to install a Nuaire PIV ventilation unit. Clothes then actually dry when they come out of the washing machine and towels dry after a bath.
    It's common sense.


    The Gold medal winner in “How to kill by boring” is off again.

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    Clown - oversimplification as normal

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    Why should Which? have consulted them? Never heard of them until today.

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    Should Which have consulted them to try and manipulate the results.
    I installed new A grade double glazed windows , A rated boiler, low energy light bulbs and the epc came back lower than the previous one. Utter scam and jobs for the boys.
    Which,a trusted company has confirmed what we all know.
    Utterly sick and tired of being scammed and milked like a cash cxw one more to sell and I’m out


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