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Shelter spotlight on discrimination against LGBTQ+ private tenants

Shelter is backing the Kicked Out for Coming Out campaign which highlights family rejection as a contributor to LGBTQ+ homelessness. 

Shelter has published new advice pages on how to find LGBTQ+ friendly rental properties and what to do about alleged discrimination by agents or landlords.

Launched to mark the start of UK Pride month, the work is part of an ongoing Sustaining Tenancies Accommodation & Resettlement partnership between Shelter and Stonewall Housing.


Stonewall chief executive Steven McIntyre says: “I am just delighted that our partner, Shelter, is helping us to highlight this absolute scandal of youth homelessness and supporting us in our mission to ensure that all LGBTQ+ people have somewhere safe to call home. 

“When I first joined Stonewall Housing, I couldn’t quite believe that young people were still getting kicked out of home because they were LGBTQ+, surely not now. But I was wrong, the truth is it happens every single day.” 

And Shelter chief executive Polly Neate adds: “Previous research by Shelter showed that a staggering two million adults in Britain have faced discrimination when looking for a home. It is vitally important that we recognise LGBTQ+ people are disproportionately affected by the housing emergency and can struggle to find a safe and secure home because of discrimination. 

“Our new advice pages, created in collaboration with Stonewall Housing, are there to help anyone needing information on finding LGBTQ+ friendly rented accommodation, as well as expert advice for people who are LGBTQ+ and facing homelessness, or who are being discriminated against by landlords or agents.  

“We’re looking forward to working more with Stonewall Housing, and meeting people at Shelter charity stalls across different UK Pride events this year.” 

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    Polly Bleat again. Where does this woman get her figures from?🤔 two million discriminated against? Really? Over what period, a year, ten years, twenty years? Is there no bandwagon she will not jump on and spout unproven figures?😡

    As for Stonewall, they are not the charity they once were.

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    Who cares what someone does in their bedroom, as long as everyone is legal and consents? The only reason I ask for clarification on Mr/Miss/Mrs etc is so I can address letters properly and not mis-gender someone. Other than that, I really doubt it is possible for me to care less...


    I actually rented a one bed flat to two girls, one was a Mx the other a Ms. I think Polly Bleat is not understanding what Stonewall are complaining about. It seems that they are rejected by their family, not landlords, but hey, any excuse to bash a landlord, Polly! 😡

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    Generation rant in association with shelter say thousands of red haired people that shop in Aldi are being discriminated against and want landlords prosecuted and give their properties to them, a law which is currently being proposed by Angela Rayner


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